The story is about a girl looking for love, for the title of the series or drama is 'Destiny to Love or Creating a Destiny'. A 10 year-old little girl together with her mother migrated at Canada, but went to United States to study aw even without a mother, grandfather and father.
The casting of the series is still on process and and being clearly decided because this series would be an eyesbreaker in the summer. And is expected to be desirable by the audience."
Here's a more detailed translated article on the storyline of this drama:
source: OSEN Translations: dramabeans
Eugene has announced her next acting project, a drama tentatively titled Creating Bonds or Making Fate [인연만들기]. The series is an MBC weekend drama and will follow the just-premiered comic fusion drama Tamra the Island. (That means it airs at an earlier hour and will likely be more family-friendly than the later prime-time shows.)
Based on books written by Hyun Go-woon, the drama combines the novels Finding Fate and Making a Love Destiny, and will be directed by Jang Geun-soo of Chunja’s Happy Events.
Eugene plays the female lead, who moved to Canada when she was ten and has now completed her law studies in the States while caring for her father and grandfather. She decides to marry her Western boyfriend, whom she met in the States, but her father puts his foot down and opposes the match. As she comes to Korea, what arises is a series of comic events.
n any case, at least Eugene is an apt choice to play a character who has grown up in English-speaking parts, since she’s one of very few Korean actresses who are completely fluent in English. Her latest movie is the summer horror film Yoga School; before that, she appeared in the romantic comedy Romantic Island, while her last drama series was Three Dads, One Mom. Her new drama will air later this summer.
Eugene (28) and gitaeyoung (31) have a sweet trip to Australia and left Sydney.
The two new MBC weekend to start early next month, the soap opera 'Create a bond' character of the men and women 7 days in Sydney and went to the TV location. Try taking a lot of drama, but from overseas. Overseas to the soap opera weekend, a very unusual location.
Eugene emigrated to Australia between the two poles of the 1.5-generation 'award' double take as he appeared in Sydney in the background because it places overseas lines were determined. In the very beginning planning stage drama 'award' the immigrant as a variety of settings, including production costs dwaeteuna yeogeonsang Australia has changed. 4 nights, 5 days a short period of locations pyeonyida.
'Create a bond of one official, "to adorn the final part of drama on location in Australia, including specifically dwaeseo shoot some scenes but it's tough to say.' Award 'of the betrothed who' yeojun 'station gitaeyoung and Eugene will be shooting a sweet love story, "he said.
The first script rehearsal for MBC’s new drama Creating Destiny (aka Making Fate or 인연만들기), was actually held almost two weeks ago on August 31 at the Ilsan Dream Center, although the photos have just now been released. In attendance were the drama’s leads — Eugene (Yoga School), Jung Seok-won (Brilliant Legacy), and Kim Tae-young (Terroir) — as well the supporting cast (Byun Woo-min, Kim Jung-nam, Im Hyun-shik, Kang Nam-gil, Geum Bora).
Creating Destiny is based on a mixing of two novels by romance fiction writer Hyun Go-woon. In it, a man who has no interest in marriage meets a woman who comes to Korea to marry her Westerner boyfriend. This upbeat romance series reunites its director Jang Geun-soo (Chunja’s Happy Events) with writer Hyun, as the two collaborated on the popular 2003 drama 1% of Anything.
PD Jang told his production and actors to think of the drama as in between a romance manhwa and novel: “It may be a little unrealistic, but we will tell a fun story.”
Eugene plays a woman who moved to Australia in her childhood and is now about to become a lawyer, which will make good use of her fluent English skills. She has a younger sister played by Kang Byul, who was recently in the high school horror movie Suicide Pact. Kim Tae-young, who played a doctor in White Tower, is again a doctor here and plays a perfectionist, prickly character.
Following its initial script rehearsals, the production heads to Australia this month for location shoots. The drama airs on MBC weekends following Tamra the Island, and premieres October 10.
SUSME!!! ang GWAPOH NG UN AMERICAN BOY UN KAsaMA Ni EUgene!!!!! dpat un n lng leading man dyan!!!!!!!! bagay clang dalawa hahahaha..sinuswerte n mga nmn c eugene ooo my ktokang foging kano whahahaha kakainggit xa...
Ma-Yoon LuVtEAm (Majun and Yookyung) My Fav. Couple
Eugene - gitaeyoung Cast 'Creating a bond'Posters released
MBC New Romance Theater Weekend 'ties' Create a poster shoot for the actors gathered in one place. September 6 locations in Australia and came back after taking a poster in the main appeared conducted jinin Eugene, gitaeyoung, byeonwoomin, gimjeongnan, yiseongmin, ryusanguk, jeongseokwon this meeting I got to breathe together.
For his first starring mateun gitaeyoung first arrived in shoots as the main character revealed a strong sense of responsibility and fidelity.
Eugene pure and colorful with the introduction of a smile in the mouth of all the staff smile and let the set exercised to create horsepower and laughter made me feel that the back door.
'Bond' Create a poster that the concept of 'bond' to symbolize 'twist' to the award (Eugene) and yeojun (gitaeyoung) that binds the two waited over yunhui (gimjeongnan), Harry (byeonwoomin) hyerim (yiseongmin) ₩ 3 (ryusanguk) gyuhan (jeongseokwon) expression and action of a variety of containing the conflict was the relationship.
Hyun Go-Un romance novel written by authors' ties search the complete works of drama as a man with no interest in marriage with his girlfriend to marry foreign women to come to South Korea 'betrothed' to the breeze of the case containing a variety of drama yeokyimyeo beolyineun is .
The 'Create a bond' will be broadcast on Sunday morning in 2003, gained great popularity romantic encounters some of the theater's '1% 'PD janggeunsu together with the writer's second Hyun Go-Un collaborate once again with' Romance Theater Syndrome bulreoileukil is expected to collect.
유진 “어린시절 괌서 보냈지만 영어 대사는 어렵다”(일문일답) [2009-09-21 09:45:25]
[뉴스엔 송윤세 기자]
MBC 새 주말드라마 '인연만들기'의 주인공 유진이 캐릭터 사진공개와 함께 출연 소감을 밝혔다.
지 난 9얼 13일 포스터 촬영 현장에서 원조 국민요정 유진은 맑고 밝은 표정을 지어보였다. 유진은 어린 시절 호주로 이민 간 예비 변호사 상은으로 분해 한국의 정혼자 여준(기태영)과 ‘톰과 제리’ 같은 만남으로 시청자들에게 밝고 경쾌한 로맨스를 선물할 예정이다.
다음은 유진과 일문일답이다.
-MBC 주말드라마, 3년 만의 복귀 소감은 어떠한지요? ▲MBC '진짜진짜 좋아해'(2006)는 사실 주말드라마 편성이긴 했지만 미니시리즈 느낌이 강했다. 모두 야외 촬영(ENG 촬영)인 데다 젊은층을 공략한 드라마였다. 그래서 내겐 이번 '인연만들기'가 첫 주말드라마인 것 같다. 반효정, 임현식, 강남길, 양희경 선생님 등 많은 선생님들도 출연하시고 카메라도 1, 2, 3가 들어가는 스튜디오 촬영도 있어서 긴장도 많이 된다. 가족애를 강조하는 드라마여서 온 가족이 모여 즐길 수 있을 것이다.
-출연을 결심하게 된 결정적인 계기가 있다면? ▲2006 년 '진짜진짜 좋아해'를 할 때 조연출이셨던 이성준 감독님이 이번에 '인연만들기'를 통해 입봉한다. 그 때의 인연이 출연을 결심하게 했다. 또 대본을 보니 내용이 무척 신선했다. 자극적이고 눈물 빼는 드라마가 대세인 요즘, ‘인연만들기’는 신선함에 승부를 건다. ‘정혼’이라는 소재 자체도 상식을 뒤집는 참신한 드라마가 될 것을 시사한다. 지금까지 거의 모든 드라마들의 내용이 당사자인 젊은이들이 사랑하고, 부모님들은 그 만남을 반대하는 구도였다면 이 드라마는 정반대에서 시작한다. 정혼으로 엮인 두 남녀의 이야기는 상식을 뒤집고 일상을 비트는 드라마가 될 것이다.
-로맨스 극장에 대한 첫 느낌은 어떠한지? ▲엄청 좋아한다. 아직도 순정 만화를 좋아한다. 10대 감수성이 내 마음에 아직 많이 남아있나 보다. 밝고 경쾌해서 무척 좋다. 상은은 순정만화 좋아하는 내겐 ‘딱’인 캐릭터다.
-상은은 어떤 인물인지 소개해 달라. ▲ 상은은 평범한 캐릭터는 아니다. 똑 부러지고 쾌활하고 발랄하다. 열 살 때 이민 간만큼 남의 눈을 신경 쓰지 않는다. 외국사람 같다. 어릴 때 이민 간 것이며 배경이 나랑 비슷한 면이 많다. 대본을 읽으면서도 어렵다는 느낌이 들지 않고 ‘아! 나랑 비슷하다’라는 생각이 자주 든다. 상황, 성격 모두 닮았다. 괌에서 10대 시절을 보낸 경험이 이번 역할에 많은 도움을 줄 것 같다.
-영어 대사를 연기하는 것이 처음일 텐데 어떤가? ▲어린 시절을 외국에서 보내긴 했지만 영어는 어렵다. 연습을 많이 해야 될 것 같다. 대사를 하지 않고 책을 읽는 듯한 느낌을 받았다. 여러 번 읽어보고 입에 달고 살아야할 것 같다. 친구와 영어로 얘기하면서 감을 찾기도 한다.
-그동안의 작품 가운데 가장 자신의 모습과 닮은 캐릭터는 누구인지, 이번 상은은 본인의 모습과 어떤 점이 닮았고 다른가. ▲' 인연만들기'의 상은은 아빠, 외할아버지와 함께 산다는 설정과 가족사만 다르고 환경이 나와 많이 닮았다. 환경이 비슷해서 그런지 성격 역시 내 모습과 많이 닮았다. 독립적이며 자기 의사를 똑바르고 분명하게 표현하는 상은을 보면 나를 보는 것 같다.
-이번에 호흡을 맞추게 된 기태영에 대한 첫인상 어땠는나. ▲편하다? 순하다? 착하다? 수줍음을 많이 탄다?
-새 작품에 임하는 각오, 시청자들이 이번 드라마를 어떻게 봐줬으면 좋겠나. ▲1 년 만에 드라마 복귀를 했다. 주말 오후 7시 55분이면 온 가족이 모여 볼 수 있는 시간대이다. 기존 드라마와는 전혀 느낌이 다른 새로운 드라마이다. 연령대 상관없이 모두 즐겁고 재밌게 볼 수 있는 드라마이니 많은 관심과 사랑 보내 달라.
기사제보 및 보도자료
손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스( copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
Eugene, English acting "美from English, but difficult" Article Type: 2009-09-21 12:26
Economic News] geolgeurup SES assistance from Eugene actors will come back to this one years after CRT.
MBC Drama saeju say 'Create a bond' to return to the role of Eugene Awards shoots recently reported on the TV back to Testimonials.
Eugene "predecessor, really, really like the 'mini-series on the weekend, but I feel strong winning combination," said, "In fact, creating ties, the drama seems to be my first weekend. Banhyojeong imhyeonsik gangnamgil yanghuigyeong Teachers Many actors, including Catherine appeared hasigo cameras 1, 2, 3 to enter the recording studio is so much tension, "he revealed to soknae.
After she " 'really, really love' was joyeonchul yiseongjun DirectorRelationship with the 'Create a bond appeared in, "he appeared regards instruments," the script is so fresh I was content. Stimulated tears and drama daesein subtract days 'Create a bond' as a fresh and less than a win. Betrothed to the material alone overrule common sense suggests a novel to be drama. Until now almost all the drama of the young people who love our content and composition were the parents opposed the meeting will start at the opposite of drama. The story of two men yeokin betrothed to reverse the sense of the drama will be a bit of daily life, "he said about the work.
The girls still like romance anime that the sensitivity of the Eugene "award is articulate, playful nature. Childhood ImmigrationAccustomed to living abroad and the figure is not enough to worry about someone else's eyes. Gives me a feeling similar to a lot. From Guam's 10 days of the smoke seems to be a great help, "he revealed affection for the character.
Term, this award StudentsShould be postponed because the English ambassador for the "English childhood, but difficult to grow up in a foreign country. Seems to be a lot of practice should be. Ambassador was not reading the book and feel. Read several times, we must live in your mouth seems to be wearing. Find friends and a sense while talking in English too, "he said.
Finally, Eugene " 'Create a bond' that I feel completely different from traditional TV is a new drama. Have fun and see all ages, regardless of the drama are you sending a lot of different interests and love, "he said Cautionary viewers' attention.
'Create a bond, the MBC weekend drama starring Eugene gijjeol October 10th will be the first broadcast. [Photo = MBC]
Park Jin Hee News
'Create a bond, Eugene, "a novel drama will overrule common sense" Posts bakjunbeom MBC News, Photos
1 years after returning to Eugene, the MBC drama jumalgeuk 'Create a bond', showed strong confidence about.
Eugene theater pyobanghan Romance 'Create a bond from his childhood in Australia Immigration Between the preliminary Lawyers Statue portrays. South Korea jeonghonja yeojun (gitaeyoung) and the cartoon 'Tom Jerry'Meet the bright, cheerful as seonboinda romance. Other recent Posters Taken all the bright faces of the staff MouthAt SmileWere summed to create a magical exercise.
Eugene "banhyojeong, imhyeonsik, gangnamgil, and many yanghuigyeong TeachersHasigo also appeared, to highlight the drama yeoseo gajokae the whole family can enjoy together, "said" scenario and I was so fresh content, "he explains why the appearance was decided.
After "subtracting the tears and drama to stimulate daesein days 'Create a bond' as a fresh and less than a win. 'Betrothed, the material itself overrule common sense suggests a novel to be drama. Until now almost all the dramas that I love our young people and parents who opposed the meeting, the Old Town were the opposite of that in the drama begins. The story of two young betrothed to yeokin everyday common sense and a bit of drama to be flip, "he revealed confidence.
The "10 is still a lot of sensitivity in my mind still like romance anime" said "romance anime fits me like a Carrick Award writhes," he said. The actual appearance of your character and the term, his childhood spent in a foreign country and the situation is ttokbureo kwaehalhago smoke similar to the sporty nature there is no great difficulty.
1 years after returning to Drama Eugene "I feel completely different from traditional TV is a new drama, fun and funny to see all ages, regardless of the drama," once again emphasizing that asked interested.
"Post news, pictures bakjunbeom MBC>
"English Ambassador difficult oegukseo long time ago" MBC saejumal "create bond" character, Eugene
[City News 2009-09-21 ㅣ 4:02:50 PM]
Singer Eugene actors from the new MBC weekend drama romance "create bond" to return to TV on weekends. "Creating a bond," a man with no interest in marriage with his girlfriend to marry foreign women to come to Korea, "betrothed" to yeokyimyeo beolyineun breeze events each containing dry.
Weekend Drama on 3 years bokgwiin Eugene "The script is so fresh I was content. "Betrothed" to compliment the material itself, is not it. "Betrothed" to the story of two young yeokin everyday common sense and a bit of drama to be flip, "he said.
Genus Eugene childhood pole went to Australia Spare Parts to award attorney, South Korea jeonghonja yeojun (gitaeyoung) with the "Tom and Jerry" viewers to encounter as "bright and cheerful romance" will be present. Eugene "clearly independent doctor to express his prize like a piece of me," said my eyes were shining.
"Award articulate, playful character, but that's not normal. Ganmankeum immigrant at the age of 10 do not worry about other people's character's eyes. I think if a foreign person. But when the young immigrant backgrounds will be between me and many similar aspects. Read the script but the idea is hard to feel similar to me than to pick it up if he sees this frequently. situation, both personality type. Guam spent 10 years of experience in this role, I think a lot of help. " However, the acting awards in Australia for some time required a natural English conversation. Launch the first English Ambassador Eugene "childhood and grow up in a foreign country, but the English dialogue is difficult," he confessed to grievance.
"I think a lot of practice to do. Eosaekhae still like reading the English ambassador will live in your mouth is sweet. Friends and a sense while talking in English, I'm looking for. " Eugene, "a drama yeoseo gajokae highlight the whole family can enjoy together," said "something different from traditional drama of the new drama she was feeling confident," he revealed confidence. "Creating a bond," a summer special drama "Toda desirable" as the successor to the first broadcast is scheduled October 10.
Republic of Korea No1 free evening, City News, Post = gimriseon News